Campsite Six – Chapter 1

Campsite Six – Chapter 1

Campsite Six - Transit Chapter 1 The city stood erect and imposing. Crowds walled within its maze moved in streams of color and shadow, with an urban pulse coursing through each running, rattling member. Evie was one of them. Rushing through her morning routine she...

The Catechism of Emily Pry

The Catechism of Emily Pry

In the faint light of the moon, Emily Pry tugged at the newspaper article tacked with chewing gum to the bottom of the desk. Spider webs laced around its edge teased her with a rush of childlike willies. The photograph under the headline, “Infant Missing,” captured Millie’s

His Place Prepared

His Place Prepared

He swung the door wide open. To show me a place real fine. Could you make a few changes, I asked—That is, if you don’t mind. Place a wingback chair, right over there, In the corner by the stairs. That’s where she reads her Bible and say her morning prayer

Simple – A Legacy

Simple – A Legacy

Simple stood on the stoop of his shop, wrist resting on the handle of a broom he often used, chin propped on top, watching people walk to or from wherever they were going or had gone. He welcomed the few nods and a seldom, “Simple,” given by those who knew him

Campsite Six – Chapter 12

Campsite Six – Chapter 12

Campsite Six - Black Bear Chapter 12 Dark, dusty clouds puffed up behind the crackling, curving tires as the park ranger drove slowly along the gravel road. It was 6:00 p.m., dusk, and he had to get his rounds in before sunset, then back to the station and waiting...

One to Light

One to Light

Black as blue can be. A dark cacophony. Whose very essence screams, its intent and hastening. A shrewd malevolence needs a place of mediocrity. And found a spot in core and heart to rest its head and do its part. And as its indentation lay, impressing spirits not to delay…

Breathing Hope

Breathing Hope

There are a thousand people walking far and nigh. With noses pointed north so far you wonder what’s so high. People watch, and tell the tale “Their heads are in the clouds.” Really they just hope to see up above the shroud. Breathing hope pulls you up way high to…

© Jan Fallon and, 2023. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jan Fallon and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.